Back in March, working with fresh flowers was a real treat. I could pretend it was summer :-) The vase of flowers, from pinging.com was the starter image for PFCC. I needed something to set the flowers on, and tried a variety of surfaces, I finally found this enameled 3-drawer chest, in red, on Adobe stock. That gave me two choices: re-color the flowers, or re-color the chest. The chest seemed like it would be easier. I used a hue/saturation adjustment layer. I selected red as my targeted color and moved the slider until I got a hue that went with the flowers. Using a targeted color with change all instance of that color. If there are some things you don’t wanted colored, just mask them out. I added the vase, and tried several locations — center left right — and decided that with the bow, it looked best on the right. I copied a small patch of the wallpaper, so I could magnify and distort it as if it would be if the vase had been there when the photo was taken. The image now looked heavy on the right side, so I needed something to balance the composition, and that would look right with the chest and flowers. I tried several glass and ceramic bowls, but ended up with this mantle lock from PixelSquid. I see now that I should have cropped the image to a vertical composition. Sometimes it’s hard to judge when you are so close and involved in a montage. Besides, hindsight is always better, right?
All material and images © Marie Rediess, cREEations Photography & Design, Algonac, Mi.
No reproduction allowed without specific written permission.